Good Things To Come!

In February 2016, "Serendipi-tea" will become a new website incorporating the blog, the Etsy store, tarot readings, and other services! Stay tuned!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

5 Things To Like This Week

Eat me.  Now!
1.  Chocolate Chip Pop Tarts.  OK, let's talk about these for a moment, shall we?  I think I've just found my new favorite treat!  I love Pop Tarts and I love chocolate . . . um . . . this is the best combo ever!  They taste just like a gooey chocolate chip cookie!  I love to eat them with a nice, hot cup of black coffee!  Heaven!

Drink me.  Now!
2.  Bigelow Lemon Lift black tea.  A good friend of mine loves this tea and it always reminds me of her when I drink it!  I love this tea because it has all the flavor of an lemony herbal, but it is a black tea, so it delivers the perfect amount of afternoon caffeine.  Get you some!

Come on in, y'all!
3.  When WALMART closes because of a bad hail storm and their roof was damaged.  Bwah ha ha haaaa!  Corporations drool and the little, small business liquor store (Party Time Liquor) RULE!!!!  YEAH SMALL, LOCAL BUSINESS (with a good roof)!!!

4.  My new place!  My last place flooded. I lived there a month and 11 days. My landlord did nothing about it. Because I was sans lease--I moved. It was a blessing in disguise. My new place has hardwood floors, high ceilings, tons of room, plus vintage character. I LOVE IT! No more spiders, giant millipedes, slumlords, or standing water!!!! Flat Iron Property Management is great if you need a place to live in Spearfish, SD!

5.  Watch this (above) 
. . . if you are having a bad day!

Love YOU!


Sarah said...

I'm glad you are out of flooded spider house!!!
also... I had Lemon Lift this morning!! love that tea!

miss you lady!


Nik said...

YOU are the person Lemon Lift reminds me of!!!!

Heart ya Sarah! Can't wait to see you soon!
