Are you afraid of tarot cards? Do you think it is black magic or of the devil? Are you scared that they will tell you something you don't want to hear--like a loved ones death or that you are going to die?
I'm writing this to set the record straight.
The cards just don't work like that.
Tarot cards just happened to be the tool that Spirit chose for me to work with first. I do remember picking up the deck 10 years ago and being a little cautious, but more than anything, I remember respecting the cards and the energy involved in reading them. Trust me. I am a very Spiritual person. My faith is strong. I believe in Angels, Spirit Guides, energy, and spirits. I stay away from negativity, fear, and low vibrations.
I choose to keep my vibration high so that I can channel clearly and I use the Tarot as a divination tool of love. I can assure you that when I read Tarot for anyone, I am meditating beforehand to channel Spirit, Light and Love. If something negative comes up in a reading, it is intended as a lesson for the person, not as a message of impending doom. How else do we grow in our journey if everything is perfect all the time?
I like Angel cards and I use them on occasion. {A great resource for Angel reading is Doreen Virtue, btw.} I could offer to read Angel cards (and I may in the future), but the only reason why I would switch right now would be to appease people who are afraid of Tarot. That seems silly, because there is nothing to be afraid of!
Tarot is in my life for a reason and it isn't to scare people or to play a gypsy with a crystal ball.
{I read tarot from the highest vibration of love to help, to heal, to guide, to reflect, and to inspire.}
If you would like a reading, I give both 3-card and 10-card readings at my online shop. CLICK HERE for the 3-Card Reading and CLICK HERE for the 10-Card Reading.
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