Good Things To Come!

In February 2016, "Serendipi-tea" will become a new website incorporating the blog, the Etsy store, tarot readings, and other services! Stay tuned!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

5 Things To Like This Week

I call this "The Chakra Tree".  Beeeeautiful.
1.  Local Art.  I love supporting local artists.  I live in a small town, but there is a larger one located about 40 miles away.  I was browsing their downtown this weekend and found the coolest little art shop called Shaviq.  I bought a really cool tree print by the owner, Shawn Wilson.  I also purchased a cool necklace with a coin from Spain.  We literally stumbled upon this store quite . . . serendipitously.

Kinda crappy on the close-up, but the stage was neat.  That's an LCD chandelier.
2.  Elton John Concert.  So, I saw Elton in 2009 and I was unimpressed with his live show.  He sat at the piano the entire time and didn't really engage with the audience.  This time, it was just awesome.  The effects and his band were key.  If you play live music, you gotta have a band, for real.  This is his farewell tour and I could definitely tell he was loving what he was doing.  And THAT is why I see live music in the first place, to get a glimpse at people doing what makes their hearts happiest.
Oh. Hello. I like you.  Via
3.  Tom Hardy turned 35 this week (we are almost the same age *sigh*).  Let's give thanks for his beautiful birth, shall we?  That is all.

Scarves and good music make a run better.
4.  Running outside.  I'm weird in that I like being outside when it is chilly rather than when it is 80 degrees and sunny.  The chill in the air gets me more motivated than the sun.  Anyway, I'm running again and I even got new shoes.  Yessssssss.  Being outside and getting that heart rate up keeps ya grounded too.  Plus, I touch trees.  It's a problem.  Or is it?  Apparently, science says it's good for you:  "Tree Hugging Now Scientifically Validated".  Looks like us hippies were onto something all along.  BOOM.

5.  Going Smart Phone Free.  I dropped my phone on the sidewalk.  I said some very *throat clearing* ladylike things, quite LOUDLY.  My smart phone is done.  It's really okay.  I was pretty late to this whole smart phone thing anyway.  I resisted the revolution for a really long time.  I'm smart phone free as of today and I find that I read more, I look around more, and I kinda like it . . . more.  I have a back-up smart phone that will be in service soon.  I'm not that off the grid . . . yet.


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