Good Things To Come!

In February 2016, "Serendipi-tea" will become a new website incorporating the blog, the Etsy store, tarot readings, and other services! Stay tuned!

Friday, September 11, 2015

5 Things To Like This Week

Look at this orange fluff ball.
1.  All the animals I see on my walk to work.  So far I see 2 cats, 1 young black dog, and deer.  One of the cats I see is the best gentleman cat on the block, an orange tabby named Huggle.  The other cat is a baby and she looks like a raccoon!  Then on my way home I usually see the cutest black lab mix puppy.  He wags his tail and jumps around when I pet him.  Then there are the deer.  They usually show up in the late Fall and early Winter with their babies grown up from the Spring.  They are so quiet and are usually bedded down in the little bit of woods I walk through.  Even when it snows, I still love this commute!

2.  Animal shaming on the internet (cats and dogs).  It sounds terrible, but it is hilarious.  The cat ones crack me up the most.  I even saw a little kid one once!  Ha!

3.  Brisk mornings and evenings.  That means SCAAAAARVES and HAAAAATS!  This is my favorite time of year.  I was doing a good job of running in August, but now all I want to do is go for walks and check out all the changing scenery!

I refuse to stop eating cheese . . . even if I am lactose intolerant.  Cheese reigns!
4.  Soup!  There is nothing better than a hearty, warm soup and crackers on a cool Fall day!  I've been going vegetarian for awhile now and right now I'm really into chunky potato and broccoli cheese soups.

5.  Viva Mango Peace Tea.  Viva is right!  It's technically not a tea, but I love it.  The sugar content on the Peace Tea brands are kinda high, so I try to only drink half at a time.


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