Good Things To Come!

In February 2016, "Serendipi-tea" will become a new website incorporating the blog, the Etsy store, tarot readings, and other services! Stay tuned!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

5 Things To Like This Week

1.  Curl Sculpting Cream-Gel by Garnier Fructis.  I really like their products, plus they smell really good.  I also picked up a small bottle of their Sleek and Shine Moroccan Oil treatment that my hair loooooves.  These two together make my naturally curly hair pop!

2.  Spotify playlists for running.  I get moody if my music sucks when I run.  Spotify is working for me for now.


3.  Rocks.  My boss brought me a rock from his vacation.  It was cool and perfectly palm sized.  It now lives on the water feature in my work office,

4.  The Eagles (the band).  Yes.  I know they are an "old" band.  I don't care.  They are one of my favorite "classic" rock bands.  I don't care what "The Dude" says, man.

See?  It looks just like crack, doesn't it?

5.  Caramel sauce.  I've literally been putting this on everything.  Pancakes.  Check.  Apples.  Check.  Toast.  Check.  I love Fall.  I'm gearing up for my favorite season and big sweaters, cause Immma be a fatty if I keep it up with the caramel explosion.


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