Good Things To Come!

In February 2016, "Serendipi-tea" will become a new website incorporating the blog, the Etsy store, tarot readings, and other services! Stay tuned!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

5 Things to Like This Week

Plus, they are purple.  I like purple things.
1.  Columbines.  I just love these delicate flowers.  They remind me of daffodils in that they are so intricate.  Like daffodils, the Columbine look fragile, but they are hearty and sturdy Spring flowers.  They are probably my second favorite flower, after daffodils, of course.

These are "Queen of the Night" tulips.  They are purple too.
Did I mention I like purple things?  I do.
2.  Breck's Bulbs.  Speaking of daffodils . . . Breck's is a mail order bulb and flower catalog.  They sell the best quality bulbs and they offer a lot of free bulbs with your order too.  I love free stuff!  For example, last Fall I planted some "Queen of the Night" tulips (they were free) next to some daffodil bulbs I bought at WalMart.  Um.  The Brecks bulbs were fantastic.  The Walmart ones . . .not so much.  This fall I am going to dig the Walmart bulbs up, toss them, and replace them with Breck's bulbs.  They are inexpensive, ship quickly and are direct from Holland.  I was very pleased with them!  Plus, you can order early and they will wait to ship them to you until it is time to plant them in your area--Smart cookies, huh?

Oh man, I'm addicted to purple-ish things right now.
3.  Pomegranate fruit bars.  When it is hot outside and you want something delicious, try these!  They are so good.  They do have a lot of sugar in them, so it's just a "sometimes" treat.

"I don't wanna wait . . . for our lives to be oooovvvverrrrrr"  LOL
4.  Don't Trust The B---- In Apartment 23.  This is another series on that I am now addicted to thanks to Netflix (and my boyfriend's gig schedule).  Jeff had a gig in a town about 40 miles away this weekend and I couldn't make it over to watch Saturday night, but I did hang out at my house and get a bunch of organizing, crafting and cleaning done--while watching this adorable show.  It's very girlie, which is why I picked it--plus, I promised Jeff that I wouldn't watch any episodes of "Orange is the New Black" until our Sunday "date" to start it together!  It turned out to be a silly, fun, and entertaining alternative.

Yes, that is an owl bank.  Yes, it says "Be Wise Save".  Yes, I want it for twenty-five cents.
5.  Treasures Thrift Store.  I love thrift stores and I love treasures!!!!!  Shall I go on??  Anyway, it's amazing, it has "real" thrift store prices (we've all been in second hand stores that claim to be thrifty and then are not-so-much).  Anyway, the proceeds from this place go to charity too.  Seriously, the place itself is a treasure to the community!  Love it!


{photo credits}

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