Good Things To Come!

In February 2016, "Serendipi-tea" will become a new website incorporating the blog, the Etsy store, tarot readings, and other services! Stay tuned!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Forgiveness Isn't Free

Sometimes forgiveness doesn't come easy to me.  I suppose it just takes a different amount of time for each of us.  It will be awhile until I am at peace with situations and people who have hurt and betrayed me, but I am trying.  It's easier when I look at it through the lens of compassion and empathy--putting myself in their shoes, if you will.  It is so hard, but it will be worth it when I can fully and honesty say, "I forgive you".

Here is a recent e-mail I received from Search Quotes that inspired this blog entry:

"Trying to change someone is one of the most difficult things in life to do. Whether we realize it or not there is a story behind every person. Every single person on this world is the way that they are for a specific reason and many times people aren't the way that they are because they want to be, but are instead a product of their past."

"In order for a person to change they must be willing to change themselves. We all know how hard it is to implement change in our own lives, so we can not always expect for people to change because we want them to. The habits and the actions we commit are influenced by others at times, but are ultimately a result of our own desires. . . ."

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