Good Things To Come!

In February 2016, "Serendipi-tea" will become a new website incorporating the blog, the Etsy store, tarot readings, and other services! Stay tuned!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

5 Things To Like This Week

The ultimate comfort drink!
1.  London Fog.  We have a new totally awesome coffee shop here in town called Blackbird Espresso.  At BE, one can purchase a drink called the "London Fog".  It consists of strongly brewed Earl Grey tea and frothed milk.  I chose almond milk.  It is creamy and wonderful.  It was even a rainy, foggy day when I had it.  Delicious!

Badassery commence!
2.  Alice.  So, I'm already thinking about what I want to create for my my Halloween costume this year.  I was Alice once, but not the traditional costume.  I made the Red Um dress from Tim Burton's version of the movie.  Anyway, this year I want to make something like the costume in the picture above (minus the blood ad severed rabbit head . . . or with it?)  I guess it just depends on what kind of mood I'm in!

They're just streeeeeetching to greet the day!
3.  Spring Bulbs.  That's right!  My tulip and daffodil bulbs are sprouting!  I cannot wait to begin planting and planning my garden this Spring and Summer!  It's kinda hard though, because we just got 8 inches of snow last night.  Dang.

My new FAV!
4.  Tazo Cocoa Mint Mate.  O.M.G.  I have found one of the best teas ever!!!!  My Mom came to visit me this weekend and she bought it and left it at my house for me.  It literally tastes like mint chocolate . . . only it is tea!  I cannot believe how perfectly they blended this tea!  It has my favorite blend of peppermint and spearmint, plus cocoa peel, and mate.  I am telling you, it's creamy, chocolaty and minty!  So YUM!

Go Amy/Leslie!!  Lovin' it!!
5.  Parks and Recreation.  I always get into hit shows way late because I only have a Netflix subscription!  Ha!  But it is fun to start a show and follow it all the way through.  Anyway, I am in love with Parks and Rec!  This show is hilarious.  I love each of the character's nuances!  It's so nice to kick back and zone out for 20 some minutes every once in awhile.  And with Netflix, there are no commercials!


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