Good Things To Come!

In February 2016, "Serendipi-tea" will become a new website incorporating the blog, the Etsy store, tarot readings, and other services! Stay tuned!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

5 Things To Like This Week

It's on Netflix.  Get baked.  You know . . .the British way.
1.  The Great British Bake Off.  This show is so relaxing.  Normally, I like watching "Chopped" but it can get a little stressful.  The Brits know how to make a drama-free baking show.  There's just something about tea and biscuits us Americans can't touch.

So foamy.
2.  Foamy lattes.  There is a coffee shop in the university library where I work full-time, so I am a bit spoiled.  I can have a really foamy latte every day if I want to, but I refrain and just make it a sometimes treat.

Not that kind of herb . . .
3.  Herbs.  Lavender, rosemary, sage, the mints . . .I am a herb nerd.  I'm reading a great book right now called, "Medicinal Herbs" by Rosemary Gladstar and I am learning so much about tinctures, salves, growing, and uses for all kinds of herbs.  I can't wait to get started on my herb garden this summer!

4.  Pandora One.  I signed up for a paid subscription to Pandora One.  It's only $5 and I enjoy it.  Unlike Spotify, where you can create your own playlists, I prefer the randomness of Pandora One.  I like stumbling onto new music or even old music . . .  It's all about the surprise for me, I guess.

This is one of my favorite shows ever.
5.  The New Girl.  I've literally watched all 3 seasons of this program on Netflix three or four times now.  I really love this show!  I just found out that season 4 is now out on Netflix.  Guess I'll be crafting and watching it this weekend!  Darn.  It's just one of those shows I can watch and still cackle out loud at and make my neighbors think that I am a crazy person.  Bwaaa haa haa!

Loves ya!


Luna said...

Yay...I love New Girl! It's so goofy and fun. The possibility of an herb garden sounds wonderful. Enjoy that book! :)

Nik said...

Thanks Jamie!! I am looking forward to all these things and reading your blog this week!