Good Things To Come!

In February 2016, "Serendipi-tea" will become a new website incorporating the blog, the Etsy store, tarot readings, and other services! Stay tuned!

Friday, May 29, 2009

No Shirt. No Shoes. No Service.

So in Bozeman there is this bar. It has a rooftop. I wanted to drink a beer or two there. I've lived here for close to ten years and I've never been there (the rooftop) before. The majority of my summers were spent on the many blue ribbon trout rivers that thread Western Montana--but that's another blog (and boyfriend) entirely.

Anyway, I decided to venture up top to see this famous rooftop for myself. It was everything I never dreamed it would be. Pop-topped collar frat boys were everywhere. I thought college was out for the summer?? And girls fresh from the tanning salon sipping Corona's and giggling over the aforementioned frat boys. Wanna see the future ladies? Look at a leather handbag--and not the Gucci kind. LOL.

Then . . . I swear it started pissing some nasty, acid bar rain out of sprinklers attached to the wood beams overhead. I don’t know about you, but the last thing I want when I am drinking at a bar is something wet spraying me from the ceiling. Gross. If I wanted that, I would crack a beer open in the produce section of my local grocery store.

I was with a group of guys in a local band and they looked, well, local bandish. We didn't exactly fit in. One of the guys I was with wasn't wearing any shoes. I don't know why. Maybe because it's hot? Or because it's Friday? Or it's his prerogative? Maybe the only pair of shoes he owns are wet and drying out at home. I'm not sure. I don’t ask. I don’t really care.

However, what I do care about is when one of the frat boys decides to say, under his breath--mind you, "That guy isn't wearing any shoes. Man, get a job."

Now I'm not saying that people are perfect. Maybe that frat boy had a shitty day. Maybe his parents didn't send him his monthly trust fund check and his Subaru payment was late and he couldn't get his black labs, Madison and Bridger, to the vet for their annual shots? I don't know. I don't ask.

But that's just me not knowing someone until I've walked a mile in his shoes right?

Guess so.

Pondering a move,

PS--But not really, because people are both shitty and amazing anywhere you go.

1 comment:

Garrett Hohn said...

"Maybe his parents didn't send him his monthly trust fund check and his Subaru payment was late and he couldn't get his black labs, Madison and Bridger, to the vet for their annual shots?"

Spot on assessment of the out of state college attendee! Popped collars are popular back home too? Gross. For what it's worth, I too believe that people can be both assholes and amazing at the same time. I like to call the latter of these people "douchebags." A douchebag stinks, is better left in the closet so no one will see it or, when you wise up and figure out that a douchebag is bad for you, disgarded as soon as possible. With that said, why not deal with the douchebags while admiring the unmatched beauty that is Montana in the background? That's my take but my judgement could have been altered given my concrete surroundings and a steady diet of fermented cabbage for the previous 8 months.

Keep on keeping on Nik,